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Getting Your Genes To Help You Get Into Skinny Jeans

I absolutely love my blogging life which gets me to explore the best of London, including its most exciting restaurant, cafes and bars. It also means however that checking out new fitness concepts is not only something I love, but have to do - to stay fit and healthy! :) Having recently reviewed DNA skincare GENEU, I couldn't help but wonder if the power of DNA testing is the secret to getting into skinny jeans. Having put DNAFit concept to test, I am happy to share my experience. Recently featured in Net-A-Porter Magazine and The Telegraph, DNAFit is a company that uses molecular technologies and its expertise in human genetics, nutrigenomics and sports science to carry out a DNA test and provide you with a personalised report on the impact your DNA makes on your nutrition and fitness. The smart concert of DNAFit means you don't have to go anywhere to get your DNA test done and you can expect the results to be delivered to your desk (computer desktop it is) within 10 days from the company's receipt of a swab with your DNA material. Here's how it goes.

There are the differences inside – how we metabolise nutrients for example, the way we deal with toxins – we all interact with the environment in our own unique way. Genetically we are almost identical, but in each gene there are points of variation, the most common type being a single base change at a particular position – this variation is called a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, or SNP (pronounced SNIP). It is the collection of these small differences that affect who we are and define our individuality – but genes are not all, they don’t work alone and they don’t determine everything about us. Genes interact with our environment – and modifying the environment modifies our “phenotype” – the way we are (e.g. a fair skinned person will only suffer from sunburn if she/he stays in the sun too long). Because we have some control over our environment we can have some control on our destiny, we are not slaves to our genes, and the biggest “environment” is our diet and our lifestyle. (DNAFit website)

Step 1: order your DNA test online and receive a DNA collection kit with background information, DNA material collection step-by-step guide, customer form and the swab.



Step 2: collect your DNA material following the instructions on DNA collection kit. This means using the swab to rub it on the inside of your cheeks - make sure you apply certain pressure but use common sense - it should not hurt and note it should bleed!

Step 3: When ready, seal your very own DNA material carefully and send it to DNAFit to get tested against 45 gene variants including blood pressure, nutrition and endurance.



Step 4: sit back and relax. Your results will land at your desk via email within approximately two weeks of DNAFit receiving your sample. When I got mine ready, I felt like I am opening not just a file with my DNA results and nutrition and fitness recommendations but a door to the world of new knowledgable healthy me.

Having gone for The Fitness Diet Pro which a combination of the DNAFit Fitness Premium and DNAFit Diet Professional, I received a few reports providing details on the impact that my DNA combination makes on my nutrition and exercise, as well as tailored solutions for me to take on board and action upon. The infographic below summarises the key findings in an a friendly visual way and you can always go back to this as a reference and remind yourself of how to stay in touch with your diet and fitness impacted by your genes.


The DNA test diet and fitness reports go into further detail and provide step-by-step guidance on how your genes combination impact whats your response to food and fitness levels. This includes: Carbohydrate & Saturated Fat Sensitivity, Lactose & Gluten Intolerance Risk, Your Detox Ability, Your Anti-Oxidant Needs, Vitamin & Micronutrient Intake and Salt, Caffeine & Alcohol Sensitivity. 

The report lists what genes make an impact, how low or high the impact is, what it means for your diet and exercise, as how you should use this information (for example, consume a certain amount of fat on a daily basis, as indicated in the picture below):



The report also comes with a recommended diet, 12-week Eating Plan & Recipes and even Suggested Shopping List to keep up with the healthy lifestyle.

Apart from receiving a nutrition plan and exercise regime that I was dreading most (low-carb eating plan and high level of exercise) :) , I learnt that I am tolerant to dairy products and gluten, that my coffee intake is quite high (remember, lots of teas have caffeine so it's not only coffee and office job to blame!:), that I have normal levels of vitamin B & D, but need to watch salt, carbs, and fat consumption, as well as be careful about grilled red meats and stock on fresh berries and green vegetables.

Fast recovery speed also means I do not have to wait long to resume my exercise after a big session and can and should be hitting the gym on a regular basis mixing and matching my exercise to achieve a good balance of power and endurance training.

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Having tried various diets before, I came to understanding that maintaing an active sustainable lifestyle that would aim for a long-term longevity and health as opposed to quick wins (getting six pack to show before summer holiday) is a way to go, and that's exactly the way I approached my DNA test diet and exercise.

Swapping bad carbs for good carbs, saying no to an unnecessary piece of cake, eating eggs for breakfast instead of heavily processed (zero fat) fruity yogurts packed with sugar and little nutrition value are just a few of the small steps that anyone can make in their day-to-day life. With personalised DNA profile you can take full ownership of the way you live your life so that you would finally...

...stop blaming your genes for the way you look and start being proud of your genes instead!



For more information about the science behind DNAFit head to:

To find out about DNAFit plans and book your test, go to the website: