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Love Is In The Air. Or Is It?

ggbhistory2_620x390 kopia When you love to fly, the anticipation of upcoming adventures might put you in quite a romantic mood while getting on a plane. (Didn't the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich meet his wife in the air? Yes he did, indeed - he was flying business, she was a stewardess!) Is love really in the air? Having landed in Copenhagen the other day, I asked what someone who is in the midst of it - a BA pilot - really thinks about the concept of falling in love when you are up in the air.

Me: Do you believe in love?

Pilot: I do indeed!

Me: From the first sight? ;)

Pilot: It's LUST, when on the first sight. :)

Me: Have you met your wife in the air?

Pilot: Not really. We met at a New Year's Eve party. She was a Cleopatra and I was in a blue taffeta suit...

I know, you must have been expecting a super romantic story about a couple that met up in the air and live happy ever after?! Me, too! Is it really that down-to-earth?  Jeff Bercovici of Forbes certainly believes so. Here is his snapshot of the dating market - good read:

How have you met your love? Vote below and share your story in a comment! <3

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